Monday, May 5, 2008

My Bike!!

This weekend I got a bike for my birthday!! I am ready to drive less, it will save me money I won't have to buy as much ridiculously high-priced gas, and I'll be saving the world! I am no Al Gore I can't bike everywhere, but every little bit counts.


So I have dove in head first to this recycling without a plan. This may have been a poor choice. This is just one week worth of recycling just sitting in my living room. My husband is very supportive, but he is getting a little sick of the piles of newspaper all around our apartment. These are not all my papers I have taken all the papers from work at the end of the day that would have been thrown away. So as I type I am formulating a plan, I need to find a paper recycling drop off, and drop these off before I go to work.

I hope it's somewhere close!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Staying Motivated

Earth day has quickly passed and soon I will no longer be bombarded with Green ideas and products, once May hits most retailers no longer care. I have decided to make a list of all the changes I have made and other environmentally friendly things that I already do. Here we go.

Things I have been doing:

Conserving water by:
-taking short showers, and showering less (this one is partly laziness, and plus my hot water only last 5 minutes, but it still counts!)
-Flushing the toilet less (if it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down)
-Only running the dishwasher every other day when it is really full.
*This has also kept my water bill very low.

Saving Gas/electricity by:
-Keeping the heat low (I did have to wear lots of layers in my apartment all winter, but it wasn't too bad)
-Turning lights off when I'm not using them, and not keeping the TV on for background noise (this one was really hard for me, I have trouble remembering to turn lights off)
-Using the new light bulbs (you know the twirly florescent ones)

Since starting the blog I have also started recycling everything that I can, and this is not easy I had to find recycling drop off places, and the paper and plastic ones are in different places, but enough whining. I also started getting everyone recycling at work, and take all the leftover newspaper at the end if the day!

So as you can see I have made a pretty impressive start, but I still have a long way to go! I am going to have to keep pluging and working harder to stay motivated!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Green Cleaning

I don't know if it was my non-toxic products, or the horrible state of my apartment, cleaning wasn't so bad. Plus I don't think it has ever looked so nice in here. I am so proud of myself.

I started off slow using super cheap and really easy to find items: lemon and baking soda. I was feeling especially cheap and a little lazy so I just decided to use what was in my apartment to clean. I got this idea from my mom.

To clean my kitchen sink all I did was squeeze lemon juice all over it , sprinkle on some baking soda, let it sit for a minute then I scrubbed it off with the lemon. I don't know if it was the abrasiveness or the acidity but it got it really clean. I just wiped it off with a damp rag when
I was done (not paper towels I am weening myself off) to get rid of the grittiness, and then I was done!

I used this lemon baking soda trick on the counters, oven, and the bathroom sink, too. The results were great, it even got the dried on food off the stove. I am never buying harsh bleachy products again!

So now I am on the lookout for Green glass and toilet cleaning products!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Going Green starts today!

Yesterday was Earth Day, and the prettiest day of the year so far! I just wanted to do something Earthy, but couldn't figure out what. My first thought was to get one of those little trees to plant, like they gave you in elementary school, but I don't think that my apartment building approves of that! So what's the next best thing! Start a blog. Yes I am using electricity, but today I have decided to go green, and write all about it.

I am not expecting this to be easy. I am really cheap. I have trouble buying the name brand food at the grocery store (I buy knockoff shampoo), but I like a challenge. I have decided to start slow, and incorporate one or two green items or products a week. I am also going to research small things I can do to change my behavior and conserve energy! Oh Al Gore is going to be so proud!!

My first challenge is green cleaning!! I hate to clean so maybe making it Earth conscious will make it more fun. We will see.